Hi my name is Al Fontan AKA BigAl or BigAlPDX.
I’m a Software Engineer living in the Pacific Northwest, specifically in Oregon. I’m an avid photographer, videographer, and off-road/outdoors explorer. I am the founder of Offroad Recovery Portal and creator of all software that runs our system.
I spend most of my time writing software and helping organize and coordinate recoveries with other admins of the portal. Training new administrators and improving the system.
I love to explore with my Jeep and the family. Now that my wife Myrian also has her Jeep, we plan to start doing more overlanding and off-roading together.
When not in front of my computer, you could find me usually in La Dee Flats or Browns Camps OHV getting the Jeep dirty.
If you want to reach out, use Instagram…
If you want to check my youtube channel, here is a link: youtube.com/bigalpdx
See you on the trails.