December, Sunday 18th, at 1:26 p.m. (PST), we received a request for help from Washington. Wayne Chapin was driving his blue F-150 when he hit the roadside and landed on the side, looking downhill.
His request read: “Blue f-150 XLT Super-crew with bed-cap. 4” lift Falken off-road tires. 4×4 with electronic rear locker and granny low. Truck is off the road nose downhill about 10 yards. No damage…yet. About a foot of powder snow. Currently 12 degrees outside. Hill is 18 degrees down angle.
Bakes iced and was at low speed when truck kept pushing forward when attempting to stop to turn around in cut out road. Made a mistake and got too close to roadside edge when edge gave way and front end slid over the side. Road is somewhat packed down. Tow hitch on back of truck. Also have recovery hook for back and recovery hooks on front. Trucks back at camp can’t get up. And Tracker apparently won’t start./ I’m with the vehicle“

We contacted Wayne back a few minutes later. We verified his contact info and GPS location and immediately submitted the request to volunteers.
Not more than 3 minutes later we had in our lobby, Donald Claypool, a local volunteer already contacting Wayne and engaging on the recovery. We also have Colver Mercer offering help.
By 4:18 p.m., Wayne updated us in our lobby; he was making good progress and by 5:04 p.m. he got Wayne’s F150 out.
We truly appreciate the fast response of Donald, he and his friend got Wayne back on the road in no time! Awesome job.