Monday, December 9th, 2024, at 4:47 a.m. (PT), we received a request for help with an offroad recovery in a muddy ditch in Oregon. The requester, Jeremy Tester, submitted the following information: “2015 Jeep Cherokee high centered in a muddy ditch at a campsite. Right off the road. Plenty of space to winch or yank. Very clear area. / I’m with the vehicle“
Our administrator, Al Fontan, contacted the requester and verified the contact information provided, GPS location, and current situation before sending the request to local volunteers. In this particular recovery, we contacted volunteers within a 20-mile radius.

From the group of contacted volunteers, Martin Furlop took charge of the recovery within 8 minutes of the request being submitted. A few minutes later, Peter Marshall also marked himself as engaged.
Peter contacted Jeremy shortly after and prepared to assist. However, the requester soon informed him that a nearby friend was available to help. As a result, Martin put himself on standby while we waited for an update from Jeremy after the recovery.
During this time, we lost communication with Martin, who had already made his way toward the requester and reached Rd. 44. Despite several attempts to contact him and ask him to turn around, we were unable to reach him.
Fortunately, Jeremy’s friend successfully recovered the vehicle, and we closed the request. Jeremy expressed immense gratitude for our efforts. A huge thank you goes to Peter for offering assistance and especially to Martin for making the trip all the way to help. You both are amazing!
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