On Friday, November 4th, at 5:19 p.m. (PST), we received a request for help submitted by Narcissa Walker, who had to abandon her minivan when she found herself stuck. Some hunters gave her a ride down back home.
She was needing some help getting up there, and possibly getting her vehicle out of the snow. We sent the request to volunteers on Friday at 6:19 p.m., after verifying her contact information and the location of the vehicle.
We initially asked the volunteers to try help the following with daylight. By 10:44 a.m., we had Matt Ochoa, a volunteer who contacted a friend to try get some help but finally jumped in and drove all the way to help Narcissa. By the time he got there Matt told us, the snow was already gone, and basically it was more of an uber than a recovery. But we didn’t know what the situation was up there. We certainly appreciate Matt driving all the way to help Narcissa, who was a disable woman in much need of help!.
Big thanks Matt.