Monday, May 20th, 2024, at 5:40 p.m. (CT), we received a request for help with an offroad recovery in Texas. The requester, Michael Pederson / MEMBER, submitted the following information: “I’m a member of the portal. Came out to Shiro to help a neighbor unstick his tractor and got stuck myself! Normally I would be able to get out of here but my winch has failed. Is anybody close? Sandy, no bottom–normally not a big deal but the winch is not engaging / I’m with the vehicle.”
We verified the information and location before sending this request to local volunteers within a 55-mile radius.

Michael was struggling to make his winch work. He was there trying to help somebody else when his winch stopped working.
From the group of volunteers who answered our call for help, a few started asking questions and offering solutions. Luckily, a couple of members of a local group named BCS AREA OFF-ROAD RECOVERY stopped by Brad Pruit and Cody Stewart. With their help Michael was able to try switching his winch remote, and that solved the problem. His remote was not functioning correctly.
We want to thank all the volunteers who answered our call for help and also the members of this local group who are always helping folks in this area. Awesome job!
Quick update! Brad and Cody are now also members of Offroad Portal! Welcome aboard guys!
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