Friday, September 13th, 2024, at 8:48 a.m. (PT), we received a request for help with an offroad recovery in Nevada. The requester, Ryan Adams, submitted the following information: “Jeep and small Offroad trailer are located: 40.57003, -114.82807. The road is a narrow dirt road that has 2 large washed out holes. I made it past the first one but not the second one. Could not back down with trailer due to the first washout hole. The hole I am currently dangling in is huge and I risk rolling the jeep by myself. Before self recovery attempt photos are attached.
I tried to self recover for 2 days and now the jeep rear right end is deep in a hole and it is being held in place by the trailer tongue and hitch along with a winch line from front tied to 2 scrub bushes.
Hunters found me and brought me to Wells NV and dropped me at Hampton Inn room 417.
I really need help with this recovery as I’m worried the jeep will roll if I do any more work on my own. Any help or info you can provide is greatly appreciated! / I’m with the vehicle.“
We verified all the information, GPS coordinates, and situation before sending the request to local volunteers within a 140-mile radius.
We also invited Mike Rollins, who organizes 775 Offroad Recovery. He immediately put together a team, and kept us informed of the progress all the way to the end. Two members of their group, out of Reno and Salt Lake City travel a long distance to help Ryan.

Their ETA was 6:30 p.m., and by 8:30 p.m., Mike updated our lobby: “Our team has gathered at the trailhead and is en route to the jeep now; I will update when I hear back when recovery is completed.“

The recovery was pretty long, and at 3:32 a.m., Mike closed the request and let us know they got him out. (offroad recovery in Nevada)
We want to thank Mike and all the volunteers from 775 who were involved; you guys are amazing.
We are always looking for more volunteers, especially in areas like this one; if you would like to receive a text message when we get a request near you, create your account here: