Tuesday, December 6th, at 4:05 p.m. (PST), we received a request for help from Mt Hood, near Hwy 35 by the entrance to Barlow Road, where Gabrielle Bangerter was stuck in the snow with her Jeep.
We were able to contact her and got her confirmed location and photos and submitted the request to volunteers.
Her request read:”About 0.6 miles down a small road off of 35 Mount Hood Highway. Green Jeep Wrangler. We are down the road from the parking on Forest road 3531. / I’m with the vehicle“
We submitted the request to all volunteers nearby and also shared with a local group of amazing volunteers: The Gorge Offroad and Recovery.
We have a bunch of volunteers helping, Sebastian Garcia, Phil Gragg. Finally at midnight, Adolfo Valdovines was on site, and by then there was another vehicle stuck in front of the Jeep, a Tahoe that entered trying to help and got stuck damaging the road even farther. So Adolfo got the Tahoe out but could get to the Jeep. The owners of the Jeep left the vehicle behind and went down back to town.
The following morning we coordinated again with them and Bery Gorsuch went there at noon and by 6 p.m. he closed the ticket in our lobby and confirmed he got the Jeep out.

Note from Beri: On December 7th I took my first call from the app. It was for a jeep wrangler that was stuck in a snow drift off of hi way 35 just passed the ski parks on Mt Hood. I met up with the you ladies, Bri and Jackie. We decided that the snow was too torn up from the earlier attempt that I would Drive in, attach my winch cable, backup, retract the cable to pull the jeep to me then back up again ant repeat this process until we were able to turn her jeep around I turned around and attempted to pack the snow down more to assist in keeping her jeep on top of the 2 foot snow as her tires were narrow and cut down in the snow creating the problem in the first place. Got them back to the plowed road and got them on there way . about 2 hours of winch work.

Thanks to all volunteers who help and special thanks to Adolfo Valdovinos and Beri Gorsuch for an amazing job.