I made it to this point where it couldn’t keep going… that was the core of the message received in our system on Sunday, December 11th at 2:36 p.m. (PST). Rickey Bartlett got stuck in snow and had to leave his Tacoma behind in a pretty isolated area in Wasco County, OR.
He submitted the request and 5 minutes we were chatting back and forth. His initial full request read: “2003 Tacoma 4×4 stuck in snow on N South RD (45.3825610,-121.3342517) made it down road before turning around, made it to this point where it couldn’t keep going. Had to leave it to make it out before dark. Snow on trail, truck is not damaged. / I’m NOT with the vehicle“.
I checked and had 25+ volunteers in a 20 miles radius. We confirmed the location, and prepared the request for our volunteers.
By the end of the first day he found a towing who contacted him and was willing to get the vehicle out. But we waited 24 hours to learn they also got stuck and had to leave the vehicle behind. We were worried for a while because we had no contact with the team from the towing co. at all. The next day we heard from the sheriff office that they were ok but couldn’t get the vehicle back. So back to square one.
The third day, a volunteer, Steven Minor, who was offering to help from day one, got in contact with Rickey and was able to go with him and got the vehicle out.
Rickey wrote us after the recovery: “Steven was awesome, he got my Tacoma back onto the trail and made sure I was good to go. Many thanks to your group for working together and working with me to get this back home.“
We can’t thank Steven enough for the help on getting Rickey’s tacoma out. Awesome job.