Muddy road up the hill in CA

Muddy road up the hill in CA

Friday, November 4th at 6:19 p.m., we received a request from northern California, where Martin Uresti found himself stranded with his family while driving his 2011 Chevy Silverado 2WD in a very muddy road.

We didn’t have a lot of volunteers but once we verified the information, we submitted the request to the local volunteers and also shared the request with California 4×4 Rescue and also NorCal 4×4 Rescue™.

From the second group we connected with Shawn Mecca, who created his login in our system and maintained us informed throughout the entire recovery.

The first day, on Friday, Shawn informed us the Martin got a ride back home, so they decided to try do the recovery with daylight. By 7:40 a.m. we got the first note from him, letting us know he was headed to meet with Martin. The plan was to pick him up and go together to where the vehicle was left. By 11:06 a.m., he informed us, they both made it to the truck, but Martin forgot the keys… (no words can describe this)… Shawn brought Martin down back home, got the keys and proceded to get him out. He anchored his vehicle to a tree to pull Martin out back into the trail.

By 1:06 p.m., finally he share on the lobby that Martin was back on main paved road.

We really appreciate Shawn’s help with this recovery! He truly went the extra mile on this one!

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