We have a few recoveries shared with us, either on our Facebook group page or by email, all these recoveries were done in the first few days of this new year.
Al Hunt from ADK Jeepers – NY
He shared a quick video and a photo from the first recovery and then two photos for the second recovery that he participated in just a week later.
“Another recovery lastnight of an elderly man over a 6ft embankment”

“I didn’t get much pics or videos it was ready to go over an embankment”
Jon Bisson – AZ
He shared on our page on Facebook a few photos from a recovery he participated in last week.
Hi all! I just wanted to introduce myself and share a recovery I did, helped a couple of guys who took their kids camping and got snowed in overnight. Got a call to help find them and get them home, dragged 2 4Runners up this slick hill from about 130 feet away with my 2019 Power wagon.

Frank Purdy – CA
“Not a call, my friend high centered his Toyota Tacoma, I pulled him back until the back wheels got tractions.”