Saturday, December 7th, 2024, at 6:08 a.m. (PT), we received a request for help with an offroad recovery in Oregon. The requester, Jay Salcor, submitted the following information: “vehicle stuck in ditch off side of NF-700 in deep snow. 2001 Sequoia 4wd, but 4Lo seems to not be working properly. it is very difficult to get to where I am, and it was misled by the GPS trying to doing my friend’s house at the Lemolo plant. I have a picture of the location but I am unable to get it to correctly upload. near the inlet campground and bunker hill campground. I’m currently at a friend’s house 7252 Lemolo plant road. I will describe it as best as I can. It is on an incline of probably about 4% grade. There are varying amounts of snow in the road with about 12 inches at the deepest. I am buried in a right side ditch but a properly placed winch line should be able to get me out. I don’t have any photos / I’m not with the vehicle“
Our administrator, Al Fontan, contacted the requester and verified the contact information provided, GPS location, and current situation before sending the request to local volunteers. In this particular recovery, we contacted volunteers within a 45-mile radius.

We initially searched for volunteers to assist. In the meantime, Jay connected with a local resident who offered to help. Once Jay secured assistance, we paused the volunteer search. By 10:00 a.m., Jay updated us that the vehicle had been successfully recovered.
Later, we learned the person who helped was Rob Schaefer, who subsequently became a volunteer for our organization. We are grateful to Jay for sharing our information with Rob, and to Rob for stepping up to assist. (offroad recovery in Oregon)
This experience highlights one of the most important aspects of our system: the power of networking. With each recovery, we continue to grow our volunteer base and spread the word about our mission.
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