Recovery done & the tamales were fantastic!

Recovery done & the tamales were fantastic!

Sunday, March 26th, 2023 at 9:30 p.m. (PST) we received a request for an offroad recovery of a SUV a few miles south of Grant Pass. The requester Stephanie Studebaker submitted the following: “My truck a black 2002 Chevy avalanche is stuck on upper Powell creek road about 8.5 miles there’s is snow for the last three miles. My truck has been stuck for a month in the snow. We got suck and the search and rescue had to come and get us that’s why I had to leave my truck / I’m not with the vehicle

Since the vehicle was left for a while, we contacted Stephanie that night and we decided to start sharing with volunteers the following day. By 8:20 a.m., the following day the request was shared with local volunteers. From the volunteers contacted, Paul Morgan took upon himself to help Stephanie.

Paul is the Vice-President of a local club, Rogue Valley 4 wheelers, and they were planning a club run the following Saturday. So they decided to use this route to do the run while at the same time they helped get the vehicle out.

He coordinated with Stephanie directly and made a prior run on Wednesday. He sent us this note:Paul , Morgan : I have contacted Stephanie and we are going to meet today on a recon mission to check out the snow and see what we may need Saturday. I do have three vehicles going so there is a possibility we will recover today and will keep you posted.” then later that day he shared: “Paul , Morgan : Came up a little more than a mile and a half short today. Gonna try again Saturday and bring some bigger guns. The ladies are going to bring tamales on Saturday. If anybody here is interested, we will meet at the hidden Valley market in Murphy at 9 a.m. Saturday morning

Tamales were part of the recovery discussion… thats when we knew this was serious…

On Saturday morning, Paul and the rest of the group met around 9:00 a.m., in the Hidden Valley Market in Murphy OR. By 2:00 p.m., we got a message from Paul: “You can add that after a long and exciting day we had a successful mission and the tamales were fantastic!

Thanks Paul and the rest of the members involved! Awesome job!

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