Bohemia Mountain, OR

Bohemia Mountain, OR

Friday at 8:43 p.m. (PST), we received a request for help from Max Martin, who got stuck in Bohemia Mountain while driving his Jeep XJ. His notes from the ticket submitted read: “I got stuck in some snow near bohemia mountain today out on blm road 2473. I pushed a little to far considering I didn’t have recovery equipment, and ended up sliding in a snow bank on the uphill side of the road. Both right tires are pretty buried in snow, as are the axles, and the left tire are spinning freely since the weight of the car is all shifted to the right side. I tried to dig it out for a while but knew it was better to leave it and get down before dark. It shouldn’t be difficult to winch it straight back, I just don’t have the proper rig to go recover it with / I’m not with the vehicle”

After confirming the ticket, we passed this to volunteers. The ticket was submitted at 9:10 p.m. By the 8:22 p.m., Donovan Jansen contact the requester and arrange to help in the morning. Also Alan Doyle marked himself as standing by, in case he needed extra help.

Video submitted by Donovan

This morning 7:42 a.m., Donovan announced he was on route. By 10:36 a.m., he updated the lobby and announced he was done. Alan closed the ticket. Great team work guys. Tyler was supervising the recovery and they all did an amazing job.

Here is a final note from Max, the requester:

Got it out this morning. Donovan was great. Thank you so much for this awesome service for the community. I will absolutely be paying it forward and likely volunteer once my rig is finished and set up for that

Max Martin

Here are some photos submitted by Donovan:

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