F150, slid off-road, mix of mud and snow

F150, slid off-road, mix of mud and snow

Monday 28th, at 8:32 p.m. (PST), we received a request from Idaho, where Blake Miller got stuck on a gravel road covered with mud and snow.

After verifying the information and location with Blake, we also learned he left the vehicle behind, so he was actually looking for somebody to help him the following day.

We prepared the ticket and sent the invitation to our volunteers at 8:37 p.m. By 8:47 p.m., Mike Hernandez contacted the requester and added a note in the lobby. He will be helping the following day, he already coordinated with Blake.

by 5:05 p.m., he jumped back in the lobby and close the ticket. He even sent us a photo he was able to capture during the recovery.

Awesome job Mike!.

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