Is there any possible chance I could get a recovery outside of Bend Oregon?

Is there any possible chance I could get a recovery outside of Bend Oregon?

Sunday, February 25th, 2023, at 4:30 p.m., we received a request for help by phone on our emergency number. Matthew Bavelas got stuck in his Tacoma in some deep snow, and couldn’t submit the request using our link, so we gathered all the information and created the ticket for him. A few minutes later, we started working on finding volunteers.

We submitted the request to local volunteers at 5:07 PM; no more than 1 minute later, Levi Holiday, a local volunteer, jumped into action and contacted Matthew. By 6:22 p.m., Levi closed the request and informed in the lobby that he used a tree as an anchor and his winch to get the Tacoma out.

Thanks Levi, fantastic job, and very fast.

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