Broken down 4 miles from the road

Broken down 4 miles from the road

Saturday, March 4th, 2023, at 4:09 p.m., James Jochum, sent us an initial request for a recovery in Oregon, but since he ran out of battery on his phone, we couldn’t get a fixed position we had to wait.

By 8:00 p.m., James got the GPS and some photos. Since he left the vehicle, we agreed to start the recovery in the morning with daylight.

The request read:I live North or Corvallis, let the vehicle in the trail last. Night. The vehicle is on the side of a gravel road 20 to 30 miles east of Sweet Home Oregon in about a foot of snow. I was on my way home when my rear suspension broke. I need help to get to a point where a tow truck can get me. I’m in an 87 pathfinder. I would like your help. I’m about 90 minutes from the vehicle. I can drive myself to meet volunteers/ I’m not with the vehicle

At 8:15 a.m. on Sunday, we submitted the ticket to local volunteers. 20 minutes later, Travis Hudson, a local volunteer, contacted James and setup a meeting at the Forestry Service parking lot at 10:00 a.m.

By 3:08 p.m., Travis sent an update in our lobby. They went back down to town to get some parts to get the vehicle actually fixed. By 5:47 p.m., Travis and James got the vehicle fixed and down back on its own.

Thanks Travis, for going the extra mile on this recovery.

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