Off-road vehicles awarded to six fire departments

Off-road vehicles awarded to six fire departments

Recent flooding and wildfire conditions have increased the need for such Oregon-built vehicles.

The Oregon Office of Emergency Management has awarded six fire districts across Oregon with new all-terrain vehicles to assist their communities with disaster preparedness and response.

Courtesy photo: Core – Evans Valley Fire District personnel in front of their CORE vehicle.

The vehicles are purchased through an Oregon state program called SPIRE, which stands for State Preparedness and Incident Response Equipment. SPIRE funds the purchase and distribution of equipment to be used during an emergency to decrease the risk for loss of life and property damage. SPIRE grant equipment supports state-driven emergency preparedness efforts by allowing for a more efficient response at the local level.

The six vehicles have been delivered or are in the process of being delivered to Aurora Fire District, Cannon Beach Fire District, Eugene Springfield Fire, Evans Valley Fire District #6, Hoodland Fire District #74 and Warrenton Fire Department.

To read the rest of this story visit this link.

Courtesy photo: Core – Core vehicles are produced in Bend, Oregon.
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