Friday, December 08, 2023, at 1:47 a.m. (ET), we received a text message on our emergency line (503-877-5263), and we asked him to submit the request using our link. Aaron Phillips, the requester, submitted a request for an offroad recovery in North Carolina and the following information: “2009 Nissan Titan, 4×2, Stuck in wet sand can’t get out by myself / I’m with the vehicle“.
We contacted Aaron right away; he told us he needed a pull to get out; he was in a remote area and also told us the temperature was dropping. I explained we had a few volunteers, but they were 1 to 2 hours away. He explained he spent 5 hours before contacting us, trying to get the vehicle out himself without any luck. I wish he would have contacted us sooner. It was around 1:00 a.m. on a Friday morning in North Carolina.

The request was prepared and submitted to volunteers hoping somebody could hear their text message that late. Our administrator for the East Coast, Brandon Brooks, jumped in the lobby and tried to contact some members of his recovery team, but he didn’t have any luck either. I provided Aaron with the number of a local towing service that was only 2.5 miles from him, but he explained no towing truck could make it where he was stuck.
I kept in contact with Aaron, and also Brandon contacted him. We failed to find him help that night, and the following morning, Peter Pleszka marked himself as engaging at 7:00 a.m. and contacted Aaron. We closed the request once we learned Aaron managed to get out.
We want to thank all the volunteers who, in one way or another, got involved and tried to help. We need more volunteers in North Carolina. (North Carolina 4×4 rescue)
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