Stuck at Whiskey Run Beach

Stuck at Whiskey Run Beach

Friday, December 22nd, 2023, at 11:46 a.m. (PT), we received a request for help with an offroad recovery in Whiskey Run Beach, Oregon. The request, submitted by David Worthen, included the following description: “Stuck on the beach… Whiskey run beach / I’m with the vehicle”.

We reached out to David within minutes to verify the location and situation and to get some photos to share with volunteers. We submitted the request to volunteers at 12:06 p.m., and by 12:08 p.m., we had connected with a volunteer, Cory Monroe, who took over the recovery. He was 45 minutes away, he contacted David to coordinate and marked himself as engaging in our chatroom.

By 1:20 p.m., Cory submitted a few photos and closed the request, he got David out using a Kinetic rope.

We want to thank Cory for such a quick response. Thank you! (Oregon offroad recovery / Whiskey Run Beach Recovery)

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