Stuck in Holston Hunter Trail, NC

Stuck in Holston Hunter Trail, NC

Sunday 16th, at 2:15 p.m. (CST), we received a request for a recovery in North Carolina, submitted by Jacob Gray. The request information read:”I’m at the end of the Holston Hunter Trail just outside of Kuhns, North Carolina. I’m in a white 2013 Chevy Silverado 4×4. I don’t believe it is damaged, however the bottom of the frame is resting on a small ridge with the tires still on the ground. The road leading up to where I am is gravel with some potholes and small mud holes, but there is about 300 feet of mud and holes leading from the edge of the gravel road and my location. / I’m with the vehicle

Our administrator in North Carolina, Brandon Brooks took care not only of checking and contacting the requester, assigning the ticket to other volunteers near by, but also since this was close to him, he jumped to action and actually helped Jacob himself.

Big thanks to Brandon who is a super volunteer and administrator. He is a very big help to us all who make Offroad Portal.

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