Stuck in Lolo Pass

Stuck in Lolo Pass

The ticket we received read: “Waited until daylight to Walk to get reception , car is slate color BMW 3 2018 series too much snow around to drive it . It’s a rental . Began walking around 6:30 a.m. Here is attachment of approximate location marked X. I have the car key with me. I walked all the way to Rhododendron (where I am right now). / I’m not with the vehicle

Hannah J. Thomas, while driving a rental BMW 3, got stuck in the snow while trying to reach Lost Lake.

After contacting her to verify all the information, we submitted the ticket to our volunteers in the area. Seventeen minutes after the ticket was sent to volunteers, Evan Brown, took over the recovery, talked to her and marked himself as engaged in our web app lobby.

Evan mentioned this: “No photos she was out of towner it was more she was parked up top snow less than an inch. Did have to take her down the back way towards Odell due to the snow blockage. She followed the BMW GPS and it made her take Lolo pass from Odell to Rhododendron

A little bit after noon, the ticket was closed and we confirmed with Hannah that she was out and safe again. Thanks a bunch to Evan who saved the day!

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