Wednesday, March 27th, 2024, at 4:01 a.m. (PT), we received a request for help with an offroad recovery in California. The requester, Joseph Gurrola, submitted the following information: “Two-wheel drive Dodge Ram stuck in the sand. He’s bottomed out on the frame. / I’m with the vehicle.“
The request was organized by our administrator, David Mrak. He verified the location, contact information, and current situation before submitting the request to local volunteers within a 10-mile radius.

This request came very early in the morning, but within a few hours, we had a bunch of volunteers participating. From them, one took over the request, James Lego. He was 15 minutes out and en route by 7:30 a.m.
We also got Debi Oconnell joining James to assist in case of need. By 8:10 a.m., Debi closed the request and sent us a quick photo. James got the vehicle out as soon as he arrived.
We want to thank all the volunteers involved. You guys are awesome. (offroad recovery in California)

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