Welcome New Mexico!

Welcome New Mexico!

On December 7th, we received our first recovery request from New Mexico. Phillip Larson was exploring near Wagon Mound, when he went to far inside a dry lake bed and got stuck. Here is the text sent by Phillip: “Hey! I have a 2021 Toyota Tacoma 4×4 trd off road stuck in an old salt lake .6 miles from I25. The road in has a tunnel that doesn’t allow for heavy machinery but dirt road in is easily accessible. The vehicle is stuck In an area so far that has no solid ground behind it or in front. The nearest solid/dry ground to it is about 280ft on the west side of the salt flat. A winch/pulling is required but will definitely need a 300ft cable to reach the truck and keep a heavy vehicle footed safely. Most wrecking/recovery teams haven’t had a cable long enough and the sides/bottom are dug out but mud is thick with no bottom so far and really just needs to be tugged loose and back onto the surface of the salt lake.”

We contacted Phillip and verified all his information. After that we started looking for volunteers. We didn’t have many in that state yet, but luckily we knew a local group of volunteers who were awesome. New Mexico Off Road Recovery + is an amazing group of volunteers ready to help anybody stranded.

We asked the group for help and by the next days they were working and coordinating efforts with Phillip. Cameron/John saved the day and got him out. By 5 p.m., the next day he was free.

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