Friday, January 19th, 2024, at 4:41 p.m. (PT), we received an offroad recovery request from California, where Kimberly Miller, the requester, submitted the following information: “Toyota Camry in good condition stuck in field on Lenwood Rd behind comfort suites west side of freeway silver camera 700 yards from comfort suites / I’m with the vehicle.”
We contacted Kimberly, verified the location, gathered some photos, and checked her contact information. Once everything had been verified, we submitted the request to local volunteers.

We submitted the request to local volunteers at 4:59 p.m., and by 5:02 p.m., we got Robert Mashburn, a very active volunteer, taking over the request.
This area is pretty sketchy, and they had safety issues before. This time was no exception. By 7:25 p.m., Robert closed the ticket and let us know the vehicle had been recovered.
Note from Robert
Robert sent the following note about the recovery: “I shot a FB live video. I’m glad I did as I had an encounter with an extremely angry individual who showed up to help. These people gave the wrong location and it took me an hour to find them. It was an easy recovery but nerve wracking with that guy in the area. All my normal backup folks were out of town or their rigs were broke down so I was solo. The homeless encampments are popping up everywhere out here…. The car was flat towed to an area where they would have access to food, water, and restrooms. They asked later for a jump but the CHP was already on their way out to check on them so I didn’t go back out. Debi had called them to check on me because of what she was seeing on the video. It can be wild out there! Any hoot, it was my pleasure to assist. “
Thank you, Robert. Awesome job.
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