How to request a recovery!

How to request a recovery!

If you have Cell Service:

In order to request a recovery, we need to first capture as much information about you and your situation as possible. In order to do that we created an app online that helps you step by step gather all the information we need.

First visit:

The first 2 screens are just informational and also to cover all the legal aspects of a recovery. So you understand and acknowledge all risks involved in a recovery. The third screens with the blue fields is actually the screen that captures all the necessary information we must have to start the process.

Once you submit the request, within a few minutes, somebody from our Administration panel will contact you by either phone or text message to the number you provided and will verify the information with you.

Once everything has been verified, the ticket will be prepared and submit to volunteers.

Usually within 10-30 minutes, we will have volunteers either engaging on the recovery or contacting you to organize and produce the recovery. The ticket will remain opened until you are out. At that point the volunteers will add notes on our system, and close the ticket.

If you don’t have cell service:

In this cases, sometimes a friend or member of the family will submit the ticket and provide all the information required using the forms shown above. Everything works the same, except that we might not be able to actually talk with the person needing to be rescued. But the system is prepared to serve the same purpose. Simply click the option, I’M not with the vehicle.

Garmin / Satellite Communicators / Ham Radios:

A third option, less frequently used, is to contact directly by using our emergency line 503-877-5263. In this case, we need as much information as possible, including your GPS location. We will try contact you back and we will organize the recovery with the few details we might have.

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