We finally completed our integration with Twilio giving us the tools we needed to coordinate efforts with our volunteers. The new system is fully integrated and from within our system connects our volunteers with us in two-way directions.

This part of the project was in the works for about 45 days, and finally last week we were able to complete the last piece to make it public. If you haven’t update your profile in a while or if you want to get your own volunteer member’s account, visit this link.
In the future there is much more twilio offers that we could adopt to our system, like including photos of the vehicle stranded sent directly to the volunteers among other great features.

Twilio system is not free, so we are looking at different ways to pay for this service and all the rest of the servers we currently use. For that we are now implementing the Patron approach while trying to see if general public would like to support our cause and become a patron.
Our system is in continuous development, and we are always looking for ways to improve. If you have any suggestions please let us know.
follow BigAl at @bigalpdx
videos: YouTube Channel