Fronts hanging off the front ledge of a boulder

Fronts hanging off the front ledge of a boulder

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024, at 5:03 p.m. (PT), we received a request for help with an offroad recovery in California. The requester, Cheryl Snider, submitted the following information: “I am high centered, have placed rocks several times, fronts kinda hanging off front ledge of boulder. Can’t get a grip on anything, no winch, rubi on 33s 😉. I am closer to the rock garden side. We were coming down that way. And like I said, I’m kinda worried about lorie now, since it’s been so long; she was ahead of me. I have food, water, but afraid to turn off jeep. I’m aird down, have tried placing rocks several times. Am stuck up under neath there on flat part of large boulder. (BTW, this is Debi Lynn O’Connell and I am posting this for Cheryl. I am at an appt so I am unavailable for at least 90 minutes and then my drive time would be another 90 minutes./ I’m with the vehicle.”

We verify the contact information, location, and situation before submitting the request to local volunteers within a 25-mile radius. Cheryl also provided some photos we added down below.

offroad recovery in California
Photo provided by Cheryl

Within minutes, we had multiple volunteers trying to help. But also we had Eddie Kochara and the Desert Recovery 🇺🇲 taking over the recovery. Eddie, kept us in the loop, since he had a close by volunteer Dustin who was able to assist very quickly.

We appreciate the help of all local volunteers, as well as Eddie and Dustin. (offroad recovery in California)

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