Truck stall, I need help!

Truck stall, I need help!

August 14th, at 9:13 a.m. (PST), we received a recovery request from Oregon, where Jake Johnson ran into an issue with his truck while on a trail. His carburetor died and although he was a few hundred yards from his trailer and truck he couldn’t make it.

We contacted him, verified his contact information and location, to handle the ticket to our volunteers in the area. By 10:17 a.m., we already have the first volunteer and a few minutes later the second engaging. Patrick Foreman and Matthew Nelson, they both went up there and took care of things.

Later we got a short email from Patrick with some photos we are sharing down here. Im his notes, he shared they use both winches, the ones in the front and rear of his jeep. They also used chainsaws and snatch blocks to get the vehicle out from a very narrow trail.

We are very thankful for the help of both volunteers. Thank you Patrick and Matthew!

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