Monday, February 05, 2024, at 10:14 p.m. (PT), we received a request for help with an offroad recovery in California. The requester, Buddy Saenz, submitted the following information: “We have two vehicles that are stuck in mud in the rain. One is a jeep Cherokee Latitude the other is a 98 Nissan Pathfinder. We went down a hill The jeep Cherokee hit the side of the hill and can’t back up or go forward and the Nissan Pathfinder is stuck in mud / I’m with the vehicle.”
By 10:28 p.m., the request has been verified and submitted to local volunteers. We had quite a large group of volunteers getting ready, but they were also following the progress on the FB page for the SCOR page, where the requesters also shared this request.

We invited the requester to our chatroom to make it easier for everybody to coordinate. The two volunteers from SCOR who made it to the area also got stuck and worked tirelessly until 7:00 a.m., with help from two other volunteers who arrived early in the morning.
We appreciate the help of all volunteers involved. Thank you guys! (offroad recovery in California)

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