Sunday, 12th of February 2023, at 12:23 p.m. (EST), we received a request for help from Alabama. Rick Raven was stranded on a trail, his SUV’s gas pump stopped working and left him at the bottom of a muddy hill.
We confirmed the contact information and location and sought volunteers to help. The request was initially sent to us by his wife, but once we connected with Rick, the rest of the recovery was coordinated with him directly. However, we kept Stephanie updated on the recovery efforts.

We shared the request also with our partner’s page, Alabama 4×4 rescue; from there, a volunteer, Andy Cowan, contacted Rick and attempted to get the vehicle out but was unsuccessful. Regardless he got Rick out and back home.
The following day, Rick contacted us again to let us know; Adam contacted some local friends to help, a husband, Andy Chang, and his wife.
By 12:09 p.m. (EST), the ticket was closed, and Rick told us he was out, thanks to the volunteers.