Camper needed extraction

Camper needed extraction

Saturday, February 25th, at 11:35 a.m. (EST), we received a request am off-road vehicle extraction from North Carolina. Jonathan Danner, was stuck on some ruts up to his camper truck’s differential and was rescued by the local volunteer fire department the night before.

His request information stated:Dodge Ram With a Truck camper secured to the truckbed. Ended up getting stuck in a rut, differential became buried and rain didn’t help. Partially succeeded in digging it out, but ultimately had to get Jackson County volunteer fire department to send a team to take me off site.

At the fork on Black Rock Road where you see a realty sign, take a right and you are in the overland trail. Map says it is a gravel road, but conditions are poor and the road definitely needs some maintenance it’s narrow with brush at times. Should have an ATV. Any bigger vehicle will need to go through brush at times to avoid some of the ruts. / I’m not with the vehicle

By 12:24 p.m., the ticket was verified and submitted to local volunteers. No longer than 7 minutes later we had Craig Apperson, a local volunteer, taking over the recovery. He contacted Jonathan and coordinated the extraction of the vehicle. By 5:17 p.m., Craig reported, he got Jonathan’s camper out and back on the road safely on his way home.

Thanks Craig for an awesome job!

Here are some small photos provided by Jonathan after the recovery.