Stuck Camper
The request read: “I have been trying to get my camper out of my sisters back yard but I keep getting stuck in the soft ground. 30 foot bumper pull camper and a 2500 dodge
Helping the Off-road Community
The request read: “I have been trying to get my camper out of my sisters back yard but I keep getting stuck in the soft ground. 30 foot bumper pull camper and a 2500 dodge
Friday, 10th of February, at 10:15 a.m. (MST), we received a text message in our emergency line (503-877-5263) from Trent Cleary. He and his wife were traveling in a Camper Van when they got stuck
Saturday, February 25th, at 11:35 a.m. (EST), we received a request am off-road vehicle extraction from North Carolina. Jonathan Danner, was stuck on some ruts up to his camper truck’s differential and was rescued by
At 5:21 p.m., on Monday we received a recovery request from Justin Brown, who was in a dirt road with his Silverado pulling a trailer and got stuck in the mud. We verified all the