Car caused rock slide, stuck on cliff

Car caused rock slide, stuck on cliff

Saturday, December 24th at 1:40 p.m. (PST), we received a request for urgent help from Southern California, where Fillip Gladkov found himself in a sketchy situation after getting into a rock slide with his vehicle.

We contacted Fillip right away, we verified the contact information and GPS location of the request. Then we asked for a photo. We prepared the ticket for the volunteers and also share the request with an awesome local group called SoCal Off-road Recovery SOS Free.

Within 10 minutes of submitting to volunteers, we got Harout Semeriyan, a local volunteer already contacting Fillip back and driving over to help.

We also got Oscar Espinoza and Deana Cantrill standing by in case he needed more help. By 5:12 p.m., Harout closed the ticket in the lobby and updated us. The vehicle was recovered.

Awesome job Harout, you saved the day! Thank you.

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