Stuck in a muddy field

Stuck in a muddy field

Monday, April 29th, 2024, at 4:03 p.m. (ET), we received a request for help with an offroad recovery in Michigan. The requester, Mike Mosharo (MEMBER), submitted the following information: “Truck stuck out on 40 acre parcel. Got stuck with 4 wheel drive. / I’m with the vehicle.

David Mrak organized the request and verified the contact information, GPS location, and situation before sending it to local volunteers within a 20-mile radius.

Within 20 minutes of submitting the request, we had Keith Dziedzic take over the request. He announced he could be at the location by 5 p.m. By 6:30 p.m., the truck was out.

Keith has a specially built truck for recoveries with winches on both ends. He sent us a quick note a few days later: “He was sunk in pretty good with a malfunctioning 4wd. Luckily I can pull up!”

Here are some photos submitted by Keith. Awesome job! (offroad recovery in Michigan)

“David, Al, Keith was great help. Your group are a very special breed. Thank you.”

Mike Mosharo

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