Sunday at around 7:00 p.m. (PST), we received a text in our emergency line from California. We asked them to fill the form in our web-app. A few minutes later we got the request from Angel who was driving a blue jeep in California, and got stuck in a lake bed area.
We confirmed all the details, asked for some photos and complete the request for our volunteers. We still growing in CA so we invited everybody we had near the incident, then we tap into our recovery partner page California 4×4 Rescue.
It didn’t take long for Joe Mciver, a volunteer, to join our lobby and announced he already reached to Angel and was on his way to help.
Here are the notes Joe shared with us today:
Other then it being a big mess and nasty mud had 2 other jeeps help out (locals that knew the area and
Other then it being a big mess and nasty mud had 2 other jeeps help out (locals that knew the area and mud so i let them run lead in trying to free the blue jeep it was pulling the white jeep in I anchored to the white jeep and it wasn’t bad.
Other local jeep pulled a red xj out that was just about stuck and stopped baby tug worked for him.
There was other vehicle stuck there a tow tuck pulled out a 2nd gen tacoma on 38s out they charged him 750 and k5 was abandoned another truck of some type to far in the mud to see what it was.
Local guy said it happens every weekend out there and a tow truck normally post up there for easy cash.
We stay online with Angel and text back and forth until help arrived. By 10:16 p.m., Angel was out. Joe did an awesome job with those other local volunteers and the ticket was closed.