Always improving…

Here is a quick list of things we improved in our system. • We no longer use your county when assigning a request to volunteers. We are now using distance by GPS from the know
Helping the Off-road Community
Offroad Recovery Portal shares articles to teach how to use our system, and brings updates to the community of volunteers to keep everybody engaged in the use of our platform.
Here is a quick list of things we improved in our system. • We no longer use your county when assigning a request to volunteers. We are now using distance by GPS from the know
We are very excited to present the newest version of our system with throughout GPS integration. This improvement allows us to allocate resources based on proximity to the request rather than Counties or States. Now
If you already signed up as a volunteer, let others know you are a member of Offroad Portal! Visit our store to browse decals, shirts and more.
Since we started to expand our system to assist in recoveries across all 50 states, we received such good warming feedback. (The map above shows volunteers and also clubs/organizations with thousands of volunteers in each
While expanding rapidly, we are looking for volunteers who might want to also serve as administrators to help us organize recoveries. Our system allow administrators to assign the requests to users based on their location.
We built our recovery system and continue to improve it.
Danny Peterson, from Koin 6 news, did a great interview last week to share more about our organization and how we helped during the winter storm of 2021. To learn more click on this link.
Celebrating 1000 Oregon Volunteers in our web app system
During the last few months we were working on some changes for the backend to allow our volunteers to coordinate their efforts with ease. Starting now, when our volunteers received a text message with a
If you have Cell Service: In order to request a recovery, we need to first capture as much information about you and your situation as possible. In order to do that we created an app