Recovery near sisters
On July 25th, at 10:33 a.m. (PST), We received a request for the recovery of a Chevy Express near Sisters. Lauren Marelli wondered at night in an area where she end-up stuck in some fine
Helping the Off-road Community
Offroad Recovery Portal shares all recoveries done by the volunteers members. We tribe to include the location, the images or videos and the best description of the recovery and the technique used by volunteers.
On July 25th, at 10:33 a.m. (PST), We received a request for the recovery of a Chevy Express near Sisters. Lauren Marelli wondered at night in an area where she end-up stuck in some fine
July 7th, at 11:04 a.m. (PST), we received a recovery request from near Coos Bay, where Brandon Koch got stuck in soft sand in his Ford F150. His request information read:“Off north transit parkway before
Friday at around 10:30 a.m. (PST) we received a recovery request from La Dee Flats, where Josh while driving his Tacoma 2WD, got stuck in a tree root on trail #803. He submitted the ticket
Saturday, June 25th, at 11:38 p.m., (CST), we received a recovery request from Colorado. Cristian Muñoz, while driving his Honda Pilot got stranded with his SUV lodged against a tree and a tire up in
Tuesday, 21st, at 7:14 a.m., we received a request for a recovery of a 4Runner stuck in some trail near Indian Valley Reservoir. The requester, Amos Jiang, had only one picture that didn’t show much
Thursday, June 16th, at 11:59 p.m., (ET), we received a recovery request from North Carolina, where Drake reported to be stranded in sand in his F-250. The ticket was handled by our administrator in NC:
Around 3 a.m., (CT) we received a recovery request from Arizona. Where Andrew Braeden Puzder, gto stuck while driving his BMW 328. He rear wheels had no traction and he left the vehicle and went
Saturday, June 11th at 2:39 p.m., (PST), we received a recovery request from California, near Lake Isabella, 30 miles east of Bakersfield where Benjamin Kaleo Nelson and his family were stuck on the sand hill
June, 10th, at 10:31 a.m., (CT) we received a recovery request from Nevada, where Savanna got stuck while driving on a BLM road with her Toyota Tacoma. They left the truck behind and were 45
The ticket we received read: “Waited until daylight to Walk to get reception , car is slate color BMW 3 2018 series too much snow around to drive it . It’s a rental . Began